Chart trading

The Chart window contains a trading module that allows trading directly through it, as well as trading with the mouse.

You can open the Trading Module by right-clicking on the Chart and selecting the Trading Module menu item.

Trading operations can be performed using buttons on the trading-from-chart toolbar, hot keys, or a mouse.

The trading-from-chart toolbar contains:

  • Buttons to complete trading operations

  • A block with information on an open position

  • A block for selecting a trading account, order volume, order validity period, and exit strategies management

  • Order entry block

  • Button to enable trading with a mouse.

Buttons to complete trading operations



buy market


sell market


submitting an order to buy at the best price (best bid)


submitting a sell order at the best price (best ask)


set take profit


set stop loss

Cancel Bids

cancel all bids

Cancel Asks

cancel all asks

Cancel All

cancel all bids and asks


reverse position by double volume on the market


close current market position

A block with information on an open position


size of open position. Positive value — long, negative value — short.


average position price.


profit or loss on an open position in points per lot (contract).

A block for selecting a trading account, order volume, order validity period, and exit strategies management

Account selection field — drop-down list with available trading accounts. Account is tied to the active instrument.

The default account is selected automatically. More detailed information about substitution of the account is described in the article.

Order volume selection field — any can be set. For each instrument, 5 preset lots starting from the minimum volume for the instrument are set by default.

Order validity period — DAY (until the end of the current day) or GTС (until canceled).

Trading strategy selection field — add, remove, or set up a trading strategy by instrument.


To find out more about the settings of defense strategies, read the Setting up defensive strategies article. To learn about offsets, refer to Setting offsets.

Order entry block


Type — order type selection (market, limit, stop, or stop limit).

Quantity volume of an order for participation in a trading operation.


  • For market orders — not specified (operation is carried out instantly with the market price).

  • For a limit — price at which the order will be placed is indicated.

  • For a stop loss — the stop price will be indicated, upon reaching which the order will be executed.

  • Stop limit price — depending on the direction, the stop price or limit price is indicated.

In the Enter order window there are additional options for the BitMEX and Bitfinex cryptocurrency exchanges.

Hidden order — an order that will not be displayed in the DOM.

Place in DOM — an order that will either be placed in the DOM or will be rejected if the order price leads to immediate execution.

Reducing a position and only closing — the placed order can only shorten the position and cannot lead to the opening of a new position.

Button to enable trading with a mouse

The button enables trading from a chart using a mouse. You can set a hot key that will enable trading with a mouse if you hold it down.

There are two modes of placing orders using a mouse:

  • Auto detection

  • Left mouse button (LMB) — buy, right mouse button (RMB) — sell

You can select the desired mode for placing orders in the settings of the chart hot keys.

Auto detection

In this mode, the LMB places a limit order, and the RMB places a stop order. The direction of the order is determined automatically based on the position of the cursor on the chart.

LMB — buy, RMB — sell

In this mode, the LMB places a buy order, and the RMB places a sell order. The order type (limit or stop order) is determined automatically based on the position of the cursor on the chart.

To place a trigger order, hold down the key Ctrl. In this mode, the LMB places a limit trigger order, and the RMB places a stop order for a trigger order. The direction of the order (buy or sell) is determined automatically based on the position of the cursor on the chart.

Order markers

Placed orders are displayed on the charts as markers, where the number is the volume of the order, and the inscription is the type of the placed order. To cancel the order, click on the cross.

Order markers can be configured by going to Chart settingsTrading.

Buttons — enable/disable buttons visible on the trading-from-chart toolbar.



enable/disable buttons visible on the trading-from-chart toolbar.

Show Position

enable the display of an open position marker on the chart.

Show Deals

enable the display of executed trades on the chart.

Show Executions

enable the display of markers of executed trades.

Show Orders

enable the display of markers of placed orders on the chart.

Position Offset

offset from the right border of the chart to the position marker.

Limit Orders Offset

size of the offset from the price when placing a limit order using the BUY LMT and SELL LMT buttons.

Stop Orders Offset

size of the offset from the price for stop-limit orders. If a zero offset is specified, then a stop order will be placed with market execution.

Trigger Orders Offset

size of the offset from the price for the marker of trigger orders.

SL and TP Offset

size of the offset from the price for the marker of a set stop loss and take profit.

Extend Marker Line

extend the marker line for the entire chart.

PnL Display Mode

display profit/loss on selection in points, money, % (price change as a percentage of the entry point).

Last updated